Types of Dental Implants Explained

Types of Dental Implants Explained | Aspire Dental Group

If you’re considering different options to replace a missing tooth or teeth, chances are you’ve heard of dental implants. They act as anchors for replacement teeth and are generally considered the most stable and functional way to replace a missing tooth. If you’ve looked into them any further, you may have discovered that there are different types of dental implants. The best dental implant for your situation can vary based on your individual needs and the health of your jawbone. Now the question is: Which dental implant is right for you?

What Types of Dental Implants Are There?

Types of Dental Implants Explained | Aspire Dental GroupDental implants are titanium posts set into your jawbone, providing a strong base for artificial teeth. Whether you’ve lost a single tooth or more, dental implants are often recommended as part of the solution. The reason? They’re sturdy, look natural, and are versatile enough to work with many different restoration options. Among the types of dental implants available are larger traditional implants and the newer, slimmer mini dental implants.

Traditional vs. Mini Dental Implants

The primary type of dental implant many patients know about are the traditional ones; they’ve been around since the mid-20th century. These come with a two-piece design. There’s a titanium screw that gets placed into your jaw and an abutment piece that connects to the artificial tooth once the screw has fully fused with your jawbone, a process known as osseointegration.

The newer, slimmer version of traditional implants are mini dental implants. These are about half the size of conventional implants, making them an easier fit for more patients. If you’ve been told that you don’t have enough bone for implants or need a bone graft, mini dental implants could be a viable option for you. Plus, they come with their own set of health and treatment benefits.

The Benefits of Mini Dental Implants

  1. Shorter timeline: Traditional implants require 3-6 months for the bone to completely heal before we can attach your final restoration. With mini implants, you can use your new teeth immediately, even while the bone is still healing. In addition, the osseointegration process for mini implants only takes a few weeks, not months.
  2. Gentler process: Due to their size, mini implants are less invasive and don’t require surgery. We only need to drill a tiny pilot hole in the gums. It’s like getting your ears pierced in how quick and efficient the process is.
  3. Quick recovery: Most patients only feel mild discomfort after the procedure and return to their regular routine within a day or two.
  4. Budget-friendly: Mini implants often cost about half the price of traditional ones. The streamlined placement procedure and reduced healing time mean fewer visits to the dentist. Combine that with a smaller implant that requires less titanium material to create, and you have a formula for savings.

Are You a Fit for Dental Implants?

Generally, you’re on the right track if you’re over 18, have a healthy jawbone, and have healthy gums. If you have some oral health issues that need to be addressed, we can do that with our general dentistry practices, a tooth extraction, or gum disease treatment, among other options. However, outside factors like tobacco use, certain medications, or conditions like diabetes may affect your eligibility for implants. The best way to know for sure? Come in for a no-cost consultation. We’ll look at your medical history, take X-rays, and discuss your needs and preferences to see if dental implants are the right fit.

The Cost of Implants

We understand that investing in dental implants is a big move. That’s why, at Aspire Dental Group, we want to ensure the process is easy on your pocket. In addition to offering the cost-saving mini implants, we’ll help you go through your insurance plan so you know what’s covered and what isn’t. We’ve also partnered with trusted financing groups like CareCredit and Proceed Finance, which offer flexible payment options that can work for you. So, whether you’re working with a tight budget or a more flexible one, we aim to make quality dental care accessible.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Losing teeth can be frustrating, and it’s not just about the way you look. It’s about enjoying food, talking without difficulty, and feeling confident once again. And that’s where Dr. Robert Harvey, Dr. Rameek McNair, and their experienced team step in. With over 45 years of combined experience and an in-house lab to craft the perfect fit for you, you’re in good hands at Aspire Dental Group.

Ready to take the next step? Whether you’re missing a single tooth or several, let’s chat. Schedule a no-cost implant consultation with us, and let’s explore how dental implants can make a difference in your life.

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