Feel Secure in Your Smile With a Roundhouse Bridge

Roundhouse Bridge in Lake City, FL | Book a No-Cost Consultation!

Traditional dentures are often the go-to solution for replacing missing teeth, as they have a long history and an affordable price. Unfortunately, these prosthetics also have many drawbacks, like irritated gums, chewing difficulties, and they can even slip out of your mouth at inopportune moments! Though many people rely on traditional dentures to function and smile, their instability often negatively impacts quality of life for those who wear them. If you need a total tooth loss solution or a more secure denture alternative, try a roundhouse bridge!

At Aspire Dental Group, we offer roundhouse bridges anchored by mini dental implants as stable and affordable alternatives to traditional dentures. Using mini implant solutions, we secure the smiles of patients like you to improve their quality of life!

The Limitations of a Traditional Denture

If dentures have been a trusted solution to total tooth loss for thousands of years, why do they cause so many problems for those who wear them?

When you lose a tooth, you don’t just lose the crown that is visible above the gum line. You also lose the root, the part of a tooth’s structure that lies below the gums and is embedded into the jawbone. When you chew or bite with natural teeth, your tooth root stimulates the bone to promote its health and density. Without stimulation, your bone will begin to lose mass and volume, making your jawbone an unstable foundation for traditional dentures!

Dentures are designed to fit the contours of your mouth perfectly. However, if your jawbone shrinks, the prosthetic will no longer fit. These loose dentures slip around in your mouth, irritate your gums, and prevent you from chewing effectively. The most common way to fix a floating denture is to use denture glue! Unfortunately, denture gue is often messy and only a temporary solution as your jawbone will continue to shrink.

A roundhouse bridge is a permanent solution to loose dentures. With it, you can chew, laugh, and smile without fearing your restoration will fall out!

Roundhouse Bridge in Lake City, FL | Book a No-Cost Consultation!

What Is a Roundhouse Bridge

A roundhouse bridge is a restoration that replaces all your teeth to create a beautiful and functional smile. These bridges replace the entire arch of teeth, creating a horseshoe shape that fits perfectly on the curve of your jaw. Amazingly, roundhouse bridges don’t need the bulky pink base that traditional dentures require. Instead, these sleek restorations are supported by numerous mini implants spaced evenly around your jawbone.

We offer two roundhouse bridge restoration models at Aspire Dental Group.

  • Semi-permanent roundhouse bridge: This restoration is semi-removable, as it usually stays secure on 6-10 mini implants in your jawbone. However, when you visit Aspire Dental Group for routine checkups, we will remove this denture from your implants for cleaning! For the rest of the time, these dentures remain stable on your implants, providing better chewing ability and comfort. Because they don’t require the pink denture base, your smile will look incredibly natural in your mouth! 
  • Permanent roundhouse bridge: Once we anchor this denture with 10-12 mini implants, it never comes out of your mouth. Instead, this restoration acts similarly to your natural teeth, remaining secure and providing an effective bite that allows you to eat all the foods you love! Permanent roundhouse bridges look seamless on your implants, creating the illusion of natural teeth. For the most durable and stunning smile, a permanent roundhouse bridge is the best option!

How We Secure a Roundhouse Bridge Using Mini Dental Implants

At Aspire Dental Group, we use mini dental implants to support our implant dentures.

These titanium posts are less than 3 millimeters in diameter and consist of only one solid piece. To place them, we use a minimally invasive procedure that requires no incision or sutures. Instead, we drill a small pilot hole through the gums and jawbone and carefully place the implant. Once in the jawbone, mini implants are remarkably secure! These narrow-diameter implants support a temporary but functional restoration immediately. When your implant fully integrates with your jawbone, we will place your final restoration so you can enjoy a beautiful and strong smile!

Other teeth replacements using traditional dental implants have lengthy and invasive procedures that are much more expensive. With a traditional implant, you have to pay for each component, make multiple appointments, and spend 4-10 months healing. Mini implants don’t need all that hassle, providing temporary restorations in one appointment at half the cost! The one-piece design of a mini implant also reduces the risk of peri-implantitis! Due to the grooves between multi-piece implants, there is an increased risk of infection, as bacteria can gather. Mini implants significantly reduce this risk, creating a safer method to replace teeth.

Book a Complimentary Consultation at Aspire Dental Group for a Roundhouse Bridge

While traditional dentures may be a common solution to total tooth loss, they are far from the only solution. At Aspire Dental Group, we offer a roundhouse bridge supported by mini dental implants as a better alternative to loose dentures. Using a minimally invasive procedure, we can restore your smile with a sleek, durable, and long-lasting restoration!

Schedule a complimentary consultation with us to learn how we secure your smile with a roundhouse bridge.

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